
My dad enjoying a self rolled cigar.

Being at home definitely has its perks. Dad got a cigar rolling kit for Christmas (from Cas), so we’ve been trying out our hand at rolling some of our own sticks. First one went pretty well! The whole process takes about 2-3 weeks, so we’ve been waiting until the moment was right to try these out.

Made my cigar with a pig tail, only because it’s way easier than making an end cap…

Other than hanging out with my dad, it has been constant prep for my trip. Greasing U-joints, Sanding and painting areas of exposed metal on the bumper and winch, and itemizing what emergency equipment/tools are going to be needed for my trip. It’s a fine line between weight and need, so trying to lose some of the extra pounds I’m carrying around. Like, I seriously had 4 Phillips head screwdrivers in my center console. How did they all congregate there? Where did they even come from? Why was it difficult to pick the best one to keep? Is this an intervention???

The next projects are going to be installing the solar panel, creating a box for the solar battery, and creating a breathing tube for my rear differential. On top of that, I need to figure out how I’m going to attach my gas cans to the roof rack, and mail a bottle of wine back to Panama City. #HurricaneMichaelforgottenwine

On top of car things that need to continue to happen, I really need to keep working on my route. I’ve been working on a platform called RoadTrippers online, but I’m still skeptical of anything web related while I’m out in the boondocks and Canada. I suppose I’ll do an old fashion map with drawn lines…

My garage helper for the day.