On the Road Again!

Hitting trails (Malpais NM)

Well, back in action after my week in Pensacola. I’ve gotta say, I’m really glad I made the trip home. I got to help Cas finish up a bunch of things with the new house to make it finally feel like a home, I got to help my dad plant some citrus trees, and I got to watch UCF lose an amazing game to Duke. I kept telling myself, I know they aren’t going to win… But when they lose by one point in the last second of the game, you can’t help but be upset. Aside from all that, I got some much needed supplies for the next leg of my trip, plus some solid sleep. I’m content.

I landed late in the night at Albuquerque. My flight out of Pensacola was delayed, giving me less than 10 minutes to haul ass to another terminal and board my flight to New Mexico. I normally wouldn’t care if I had to spend a night in Houston, but my car situation was not going to allow me flexibility. Being parked on the Air Force base, I reallllly needed John to retrieve me. I had no room for error (well, I didn’t want to screw up his schedule). After power walking what felt like 3 miles (I learned all my moves from the old ladies at the local mall), I got on the last leg of my trip right before the plane door was shut.

The following morning, my sister was supposed to be on Fox and Friends on an expose named “women in law enforcement.” They flew her and her drug dog Lotta from San Diego to NYC for the bit. It unfortunately came on earlier than anticipated, so I missed the live viewing. I’ll have to wait until I have better service to see how it went. I’m not entirely trusting of Fox News, but from the texts I got from her, it seemed like they tried to pull some political questions on her after they said no political questions would be asked. I’m not surprised… I also hear they had the green screen displaying the Mexico border wall. Classic.

Sis is the one with the dog. Duh.

Anyway, after missing my sister on national TV, my brother-in-law took me on the flight line at the Air Force base to see the plane he’s learning to fly. I don’t want to get the name wrong, so I’ll just call it “tactical fat plane.” We got to walk around the cargo area, sit in the pilots chair within the cockpit and stroll all around the plane inside the hangar. It was really impressive. No pics allowed, so, sorry not sorry. It’s called “don’t get anyone fired.”

After leaving my private fat tactical plane tour, I found myself searching online for things to do in Albuquerque. Spoiler alert, there wasn’t a lot going on at 9am. After what I’ve heard about people’s cars getting broken into there, along with what I’d seen around town, I decided to hit a park just west of Albuquerque, and then continue west towards Arizona.

I rolled up on Petroglyph National Monument after leaving John. Based on the name, I expected to see some cool petroglyphs. I mean, that’s what any normal person would think coming to a place named after the damn things. Especially after seeing some other amazing artwork elsewhere in TX, I had my expectations pretty high. Well, there were lots of artwork pieces along these trails, but it was, shall we say, different. I swear, I don’t want to sound non-educated here, but it really looked like straight up kid doodles. Smiley faces, hand prints, some dumb looking animals. I found one cool piece that I really liked. The rest were similar to your kids drawing all over the walls in the house. They were apparently 1300 years old, and had tons of meaning. But get this, they don’t know the meaning because the pueblo people don’t want to share what it means… So you see my confusion. I guess I was just a little underwhelmed. And if I heard an expose come out in 10 years proving that all the “petroglyps” were a prank by the local kids, I would not be surprised.

Next, I had my sights set on El Morro National Monument. It looks cool in pics, but more importantly, has a free camp ground. As I set off on my drive west, I see signs for another national monument that I apparently overlooked when planning. El Malpais National Monument. I decide to stop, I mean, at least I can get my notebook stamped, right? If it sucks I can just keep going. The visitor center is huge and completely empty. I realize that the Spring Break rush has finally slowed down, giving me hope that the next few weeks (before summer break) will be relatively easy for finding camp spots. Looking over the maps, I realize this national monument is massive. Much larger than the park I was originally set on. I ask for a decent trail from the lonely volunteer, collect my park map, and head out into the desert. This area is awesome because some 50 volcanoes spewed lava all over the desert. The hike I ended up picking had multiple lava tunnel caves, a volcano cone, and historic lava flows. Pretty cool shit.

Lava tunnel cave

I have to tell you though, I started hiking at the same time as a cute family. Husband, wife, three kids. I am very aware of them, but they seem totally unaware of me. I’m a little behind them, but realize I’m going to have to pass them soon, as the kids are slow. As I come over a small hill, the mom is peeing right next to the trail. I didn’t notice right away. but it’s obvious as I continue to walk. She apologizes, I apologize, and pass them as quickly as I can. I mean, who pops a squat in a DESERT with no trees, right on the trail. Anyway, I push the mental image out, and continue to hike.

As I’m coming down from the rim of the volcano trail, I shit you not, it happens again. I walk over a hill, to see the mom peeing on the trail. AGAIN! I was like “what are the odds this would happen to me twice….” Apparently pretty high. She’s laughing about it, and I’m trying to hide my mortified face. I basically sprint away this time. I do not want to run up on them again.

Top of the volcano rim, right before the second pee incident.

The end of the trail was on the Continental Divide Trail. Basically a brother to the Appalachian Trail. I was pretty excited to hike a bit along another large trail system, hence the photos. I didn’t know this, but folks will hike the entire Appalachian trail, Continental Divide trail, and Pacific Crest Trail. It’s called the Triple Crown. I met a husband and wife on the AT who had done all three trails. I don’t think I could see myself devoting so much time to an achievement, but it’s a nice retirement thought. Cas? What do you think??

After hiking, I head to El Morro to camp. Only two spots left… I hope I can continue to get lucky. I’ll be checking this spot out tomorrow, then heading west across the Arizona state line.