Omaha, NE and home for a week

Downtown Omaha, looking across the Missouri River into Iowa.

Leaving the creepy town of Aurora early in the morning turned out to be a great idea. I landed shortly after at a Starbucks off the interstate, surrounded by massive corn fields and endless irrigation systems. I was somewhere in east Nebraska and there must be a college nearby, as the coffee shop is filled with excited parents. Moms and dads from all over Nebraska were beaming about their kids, and how excited they are for junior to start college. These people, complete strangers to one another, told stories of high school wrestling matches, and prom date failures. I can only imagine my own mother sitting at that coffee shop bragging about my soccer career to complete strangers. It was a bittersweet feeling. I stayed longer than I needed to.

I left Starbucks to head into Omaha. I’m meeting my old friend Lisa at a soccer match. She’s recently become the assistant coach for Creighton University Women’s soccer program, and is taking the responsibility very seriously. Let me tell you a story about how I learned to love Lisa….

Throw back!

It was fall semester 2004, and I was a freshman at Middle Tennessee State University. Why did I choose such a random school? Well I was pretty much guaranteed a starting spot as keeper on the soccer team, as a freshman. Can’t beat that… The incoming class was a wild bunch. You had myself, a crazy chick from south England, a hippy from Austin, TX and some other local kids that I can’t remember. And. You had Lisa. The most intense Norwegian I had ever met. Ok she was the first Norwegian I had ever met, so winning the title of most intense was easy without any competition. I don’t know, maybe all Norwegians are fucking intense and I’ve only had the pleasure of meeting one.

I can’t believe I ever looked that young in college.

Regardless, Lisa came from a soccer scene that was much more professional than MTSU. She expected the same level of play and intensity that she had in Norway. We both came into the season wanting to win. And we did, we won the conference title for MTSU that season. The first and only title MTSU ever had or will win. But let me explain why we won this title. Lisa was in the same class as me, but she was a bit older. More experienced. When the team was dragging ass, or not taking practice or workouts seriously, Lisa would get in their face and demand a better work ethic. One specific workout session came after the season was already over. We were in the weight training room after losing in the post season. Some of the girls were not working hard, not pushing themselves to get stronger. Lisa gets up, and confronts an older player about slacking. Not finishing reps, not completing the workout in its entirety. The other chick cops an attitude, don’t tell me what to do kind of crap. This is when Lisa starts to throw a punch at the chick but is stopped by the coaches. Told to go outside and chill out. She can’t understand why anyone would cheat themselves in getting better.

Well, I left MTSU after that season. I ended up signing with the University of Central Florida and never looked back. But Lisa and I stayed in touch while she went back to Norway. I loved her intensity, her love for the game, and her undying commitment to make herself better every practice. I like to think I learned a little bit of my work ethic from her that one season.

Fast forward to the future, Lisa came to Orlando multiple times to hang out and go on crazy adventures with me and my friends. She always came to me, and I never made the time to go see her overseas. Now, Lisa lives in the states and I am somewhat near where she lives. I have to make the time to visit. Hence, the only reason I’m in Nebraska.

I get to Omaha around noon and am put in touch with Lisa’s wife Miranda. I find her in the parking lot of Creighton’s soccer field and am led to a cushy box seat with food, beer, and AC overlooking an immaculate AstroTurf field. Damn, this school has some money! Lisa’s game is about to start, so I settle in with a beer and try to learn everything about Miranda. She’s an ER doctor recently out of residency, and is one of the most kind, genuine people I’ve met in a long time. She’s easy to talk to, intelligent, and a perfect fit for Lisa. I’m so thankful she found an awesome partner because she absolutely deserves it. We talk while watching the game, and the head coach’s wife comes up, as well as one of Miranda’s friend and kids. Everyone is chill and enjoying the box seats.

Super sweet field

Once the game is over, Lisa comes up and we hang out and drink a bit before heading back to their apt. We decide to grab a drink at a place that’s within walking distance of their apt and people watch as folks come and go from a music festival (Maha Fest). Apparently Lizzo is headlining? I didn’t hear her come on, but it’s still pretty early.

The next morning both Lisa and Miranda have to work, so I chill at a coffee shop until they are done. We go to a cute little section of town for food and drinks, and eventually end up at a joint called the Beercave. It has tons of old arcade games and pinball machines. I’m in heaven. I also apparently suck as Skee-Ball, so all that money spent at Chuck E Cheese was obviously a waste. We get back to the house and Miranda puts on the most random, hilarious stand up comic I have ever seen. Julio Torres has a very esoteric form of comedy, and I dig it. I make them watch Bert Kreischer, who is my favorite comedian at the moment.

Lisa and Miranda kicking my ass in Pacman.
So many games. Much intense. Wow.

The next day, I visit the cutest coffee shop/bike shop in the downtown area. Lisa and Miranda eventually meet up with me, and take me for a quick tour of the downtown area. We end up finding a sweet little sliders restaurant, then head back to the apt. We found a TV series called “Leeds” about the soccer team, and end up watching all 6 episodes. We were totally sucked in, and we are committed fans now. Man this game is huge in England… Big business. I end up going to bed pretty early as I have a flight leaving in the morning to spend a week at home. I say my goodbyes that night and leave as quietly as I can the next morning.  

Coffee/bike shop named Muglife…
Hot as balls downtown…

Flying home was a disaster. I find super cheap parking at the airport and get to the terminal on time. This will be the last instance of anything going to plan on this specific trip. I fly into Chicago with no issues. Here’s where shit hits the fan. The flight to Pensacola boards a little late, which is fine. We all get on the plane and are sent out to the runway. Then, some serious weather starts to roll in. We wait for 2 hours on the tarmac. When there was no end in sight of waiting, the pilot takes us back to the terminal and says “we’re not cancelled, just need y’all to get off the plane. Make sure you take your shit,” or something like that. As soon as everyone is off the plane, they cancel the flight. Crap. Everyone races to the help desk to try and reschedule the flight. My only option is to hop a plane to Houston and then take another flight to Pensacola. I get to the help desk as the Houston flight is about to leave. Double shit. The attendant says, if you run you may make it! I run for about a half mile. Sprint really. And make it to the gate as they are about to shut the door. I’m so out of breath I can’t even tell them what I’m doing. They ask for my name and I feel like a fat kid on a treadmill. Takes a few moments to catch my breath and get the info across to them. I board just in time.

Took this photo while sitting on the toilet in the Chicago airport. Who would rip off the tint so the tarmac could see in???

This flight took an extra hour to avoid the weather that was cancelling the other flights, but no bother. At least I’ll be home tonight. As I land and turn my phone back on, I get a message that the Pensacola flight I’m scheduled for is now cancelled. Are you kidding me?? Cas looks online and sees a flight leaving for Pensacola in 20 minutes. Shit. I sprint to that gate and get there right before they close the doors. I show them my ticket for the following, cancelled flight, and they let me on this earlier flight with no issues. Thank you baby Jesus…..

Stupid airplane.

So, that’s how to get your exercise while flying coach.

While I’m home for this week, Cas is having to go to trial as a witness to a murder case. Cas’ last girlfriend was shot in the back of the head over a money dispute. For more information on this case, check out


It was broadcasted live nationwide. Regardless, I’m glad I get to be home while Cas is going through all of this. She goes up on the stand, and we leave afterwards. My main goal is to keep her distracted and positive while this is going on. After she goes on the stand, we find out that she may get called back at a later time. But my flight leaves Wednesday. Cas calls the airline, and somehow gets them to push my flight back a few days at no charge. Winning! I get to stay for the entire trial, Ashley is found guilty of murder, and Cas and I get a few more days together. Oh, did I mention my buddy Kevin also came up for a weekend while I was home?? We got to explore lots of outside things and stuff, even though he had a gnarley sprained ankle.

Tarkiln Bayou State Park with K-dog, before the storm rolled in.
Tired after a long trial week.

After all this craziness is over, I fly back to Omaha and get in super late. I drive to a campsite 30 min outside of town into Iowa and pass out near what sounds like a river. I couldn’t see shit. Hoping I can get through Iowa quickly and up to land that has more than just cornfields.