Last Blog

I suppose this is where the journey ends. As memories of my solo pilgrimage start to fade, I can’t help but wonder what life will be like back in the working world. I’ve had more freedom than I could shake a stick at for the past year. Some freedom was amazing, and some was terrifying. Everyone asks the same questions: What was your favorite place you visited? What was your least favorite place you visited? Would you go again? That last one I think is silly. Go again? Hell no. Now I might go hike the Appalachian Trail, or try my hand at the Pacific Crest Trail, or do some long camping trips through the Sierra Nevada range, but drive the whole country again? Nope. Is it something everyone should try at least once? Maybe. This shit was intense, expensive, and soul breaking at times. But on the other hand, it was an amazing lesson on self-preservation that I never thought would be important to take. But it was.

Rainy days in British Columbia.

I’d like to take this last blog to thank the folks who helped make this happen. First, my wife Cas. I have no clue how this all could have happened without her support. Not only did she not leave me when I decided to take a solo trip, she flew her ass out to Alaska just to marry me! She endured mosquito filled nights, Walmart parking lots, and creepy bear encounters just to spend some time with me. She also endured many nights without communication, and more than acceptable amounts of worry. For that, I’m sorry. Regardless, she stuck through with me. Flying me home on occasion to make sure she doesn’t forget what I look like. I could never ask for anything more.

Canmore, Alberta on Lady McDonald.

Next up, my pops. Dad never really wanted me to leave. He never does. But, he allowed it as long as I took my Garmin device which he paid for. He paid for not only the device but also the service that allowed me to send points and text messages to him and Cas. This allowed me to have way more communication with them than I would have with just a cell phone. It also saved my life with giving me directions more times than I can count. Lost in the backwoods of Death Valley? Garmin can get you out. Not sure where to find water? Yup, Garmin slowly hands you a glass of Brita filtered H20 while it kindly guides you to the nearest stream. You get the idea. Dad was supportive of me going as long as I checked in regularly, which I did. Thanks dad!

In the Sierras, first time experiencing any type of elevation on the trip.
Normal Pensacola activities.

Next up, I have my sis Laura. She let me crash at her place in San Diego for a week. That week of being inside, cleaning gear, working on the truck, and fattening up is exactly what I needed to get myself reinvigorated for the rest of my journey. Oh did I also mention the kitty snuggles? Those snuggles were on point! I also commadered her Costco card which helped me fuel up with cheap healthy goods before hitting the desert. Thanks Laura, you were a life saver.

Stewie snuggles in San Diego!
Laura and Lotta.

After family, well, maybe still family, I have to thank Felicia and Greg. They took me in on the first leg of my trip in Austin, TX. I got the best tour of the city and surrounding attractions, plus my own comfortable room. It was a fantastic start to the journey that pushed me to actually continue driving on. On top of that, while I was in TX, Felicia booked her plane ticket to meet me in Calgary, AB and a ticket out of Jackson Hole, WY. Well shit, now I HAVE to do my trip. This was a great motivator to never give up. And you know what, the times Felicia was with me at Glacier NP and the Tentons were some of the most amazing. I love her like a sister. Thank you FiFi.

Those sunglasses didn’t make it a single full day on the trip.

Another vital pitstop I made along the trip with a good friend was to see Brittney and her wife Diana. I had my own room, homemade meals, and a personal travel assistant with my good friend B. We took a trip to the Oregon Coast to see bunnies, checked out breweries in downtown Portland, and even drove along the Columbia River Gorge to see waterfalls during rainbow season. What a treat! I had an amazing time checking out the Pacific Northwest during some pretty amazing weather with some amazing people. I even got to try out some cooking techniques while camping along an amazing clear river. B and Diana showed some amazing hospitality, and I am extremely grateful for the time spent with them.

Best picture I could find of all of us.
Kilo! Still alive!
I’m pretty proud of this pic…. They are too cute!

Next up on the list is my buddy Matt, who gave me a place to crash in Seattle. On top of a sweet place to stay in Alki Beach, he also gave me a personal tour of the Amazon Spheres, where he works as a horticulturist. We walked the town, played with dogs on their death beds, ate amazing thai food, and just caught up on what we had been doing with our lives. Thanks Matt, I had a an awesome time in a place I really didn’t even think I was going to visit. PS the weather in Seattle is amazing, don’t believe the bullshit.

I know thay guy….
Inside the spheres cloud forest.
Alki beach

So the west coast was cool, but I had to travel some areas that were not exactly places I thought I would enjoy. Those places included much of the midwest… Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois… Ugh. If you live in any of those places (not Chicago), and are over the age of 18, just leave. Get out. There are roads everywhere. Just get on one going away from your shit of a state and get the heck out of there!! I did get to visit one of my buddies in Omaha Nebraska. Lisa and her wife Miranda took me into their home and showed me the best parts of Omaha. This city is an oasis of diversity in a larger pool of red. I really enjoyed meeting cool, open, and educated people in this town. There was so much to offer in terms of beer, good food, and night life that I never knew existed. Lisa and Miranda, thank you for letting me stay with you. I loved catching up, and spending time watching esoteric comedies and reminiscing about our soccer glory days. I miss you both!

They were really involved with some arcade games…
River walk, I can see Iowa!!
I got my ass kicked in table Pac Man.

As I was leaving the midwest, I got a chance to stay at my cousin’s house in Chicago. I had never been to Chicago, and really wasn’t planning on visiting such a large city, but if I was going to be passing so close I really wanted to make and effort to visit him and his wife. So, I drop in to Chicago and chill with my cousin John for a bit and play with some adorable animals. We went to a brewery, got some bomb pizza, and just got a chance to catch up. And I loved it. So thankful I had a big city sherpa to guide me around Chicago for a night.

I guess I didn’t take pics of my cousin or his wife the whole time I was there.
But I took pics of the cat?? Pooooooooopssss

I didn’t make too many friends on this trip unfortunately…. When you’re boondocking in the wilderness, you’re actively avoiding folks. You want to be alone. Because maybe that one person you run into is awesome and has a similar lifestyle, or maybe it’s a runaway convict who wants to wear your skin like a silky coat. Regardless, you’re weary of other people, and other people are weary of you. Now when there’s 10 feet of snow on the ground, and the only place to “camp” is a cleared parking lot, you’re pushed into a small area with other crazy people camping in 10 feet of snow. This is how I met Dave and Carole. The most ridiculous happy hour on record will forever be remembered. We also got to meet up a second time at Redwoods, and they spoiled me with drinks and food. Thank y’all for giving me a temporary family while on my trip. I had a blast!

Where we met in Lassen. I wasn’t creepy so I didn’t take a photo of them.
Learned about French martinis.
Stole this off Instagram… Sorry not sorry!

Next up, I got to meet up with an old work friend in the the upper peninsula of Michigan. When we were both looking to leave Panama City after the hurricane, Rebecca told me to contact her when I was up in Michigan to visit their cabin in the woods. You never know if people are just saying things like this to seem nice, or if they actually mean it. Well, she meant it. Somewhere in Wisconsin we met up, and was given a treasure map of where to find the lake house cabin thing. Very specific, very random, very detailed. “Don’t believe the phone GPS,” I was told sternly. So I didn’t. I followed random instructions scribbled on a starbucks napkin. Lo and behold, I made it! Thank you Rebecca, and your incredibly welcoming family for taking me in that weekend. I went fishing, experienced the sauna, rode ATVs, and even got to learn mushroom hunting. I had a blast.

Mom showing us how to clean mushrooms.
Tom took me fishing!

When you think about visiting old friends on a trip like this, sometimes you have to worry if people have changed, if you still mesh like you did back in the day. Well, I was slightly worried when heading to Denver to see my old buddy Jenn, but those worries quickly faded as soon as I got there. Everything is Terrible tours mixed with speak easies made for great conversation. Intertwine that with an amazing camping trip in the mountains and you’ve got yourself a great visit. Jenn, thank you for the place to crash and including me in your friend group. I know I kind of just showed up, but you folded me in like I was supposed to be there. Just like you always do. Thank you.

Awesome hiking in CO!
Jen rounded up friends for hiking and camping while I was in town.

While I was in Colorado, I tried to see as many family members as I could, and this included my Uncle Marc. The youngest of my mom’s brothers. Not only did Uncle Marc take me to dinner twice, he forcibly made me take $300 cash so I would have money for food and gas. I guess living out of your car makes people think you’re homeless? I mean the money totally helped give some security, so I am incredibly grateful for that. While visiting I also got to visit with Heidi and their daughter Essi. It was fabulous to see them! I noticed that I took zero photos of our visit, so you’ll just have to enjoy another CO hiking photo instead.

We tried hunting for fish with spear. It went as well as you would expect.

John! Holy shit you saved my life in Albuquerque! I seriously thought I was being a huge time suck and a burden when I came and stayed with you for a night, but Diana told me that it was fine so I went. You drove me to the airport, let me keep my truck at your house for a week on base, Picked me up from the airport, and let me stay at your house for a night. On top of that, you gave me a personal tour of the airplane you were training on, which was one of the coolest experiences of the entire trip. I’m glad I got to spend some one on one time with you. I am forever grateful for your kindness, and glad my sister didn’t marry a dud. Thank you!

They are too stinking cute.

When I was asking friends before I left if anyone wanted to come with me, I got one real response. From Kristi. “Yeah I’m down let’s blow this joint and go!” Um, Kristi, you have 2 kids and a federal job, there is no way you can take 9 months off with me. Why am I such a buzzkill?? A consolation visit was planned, and she decided to do 2 weeks in Utah with me. Those 2 weeks were some of the craziest, most exciting, most dangerous sections of my trip, and it was all because I had amazing company. If anyone wants to go truly visit Utah, driving every backroad and camping alone in the desert while getting caught in flash floods is the way to do it. Kristi helped to pay our way across Utah, and forced me to do some canyon repelling, which I am forever grateful for. Thank you friend!

Just chilling in the desert… Somewhere on the AZ UT state line.
We take awful selfies, this is at Angle’s landing in Zion.

Tooooooooooddddd! This guy let me crash his brother’s property in MI while their parents were in town. I basically joined the family for a few days, and it was fantastic. We cooked dinners, went on family hikes, had fires, drank bourbon… Man this is a great family! I am forever grateful for their hospitality in the woods. Just getting to hang out with Todd in the woods was a treat in itself. Thank you friend.

Very proud of the wood cover they made.

While driving across Arizona, I promised my longtime friends Joey and Emily that I would make a stop in Scottsdale to visit them and their new baby. Well if I say I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it. I braved scorching southern Arizona and a condo parking lot to spend some quality time with some quality people. Still trying to talk these guys into moving back to FL, where you can actually afford a home that won’t break the bank. Thank you guys for the visit and conversation. Definitely miss y’all.

While waiting to pick up Kristi in Salt Lake, I was able to stay with one of Cas’ long time friends Denise. Now Denise and I aren’t close, but she took me in like she’d known me for years. We got dinner, checked out a super cool hang gliding spot, and she gave me a clean room to spend the night. It was hugely helpful after being alone in the desert for weeks. Thank you so much Denise, I’m glad Cas has you in her life.

Denise taking sweet pics of hang gliders.

The last two folks I have to write about are Kelli and Sarah, my Cleveland crew who took me in for two weeks. Thank you for the taco tuesdays, the comfortable couch and puppy snuggles, and the amazing WV camping trip. I had no idea that area of the country could be so beautiful. I just talked about y’all in the last blog post so I won’t dote too much here, but I appreciate and love you both immensely. Thank you for everything.

Yaaaaassss camping spot selected!

That’s it. Done. Gone. I’m home now, in a house, with a wife and pets and a power bill. What now? Get a job? Become a hermit? Plan my next adventure? Does it matter?

I’m not too sure. And the best part is that the answer doesn’t matter. The earth will continue to spin, regardless of the next path I choose. Thanks for following me for this far, I know this last blog was a bit late but at least it’s finally done. I appreciate you more than I can describe. I’m currently working on a book, so if you’d like a copy just hit me up.

Bye friends! Until next time!