Keep Tahoe Blue

Just a random, beautiful alcove along the lake.

The last few days around Lake Tahoe have been interesting. It took me way too long to figure out that the amoeba looking object on every sticker and sign post was an outline of the lake itself. It kinda looks like a muffed up foot print missing some toes. Everyone who is a local, or wants to be a local has this amoeba shape on their car in some shape or fashion. Along with some slogan to keep the lake blue. A lot of the signage around town describes how the lake’s visibility has gone from over 100ft to around 60ft in the past 70 years. With that trend, the lake should be greenish in another century or so.

See what I mean?

I got a campsite in South Tahoe, a city owned facility named “campground by the lake.” Very descriptive. What the name does not tell you is that this site is directly adjacent to a major highway that is also near the lake. Oh well, at least it’s walking distance to town. As I walk around South Tahoe, I see two distinct types of people. Folks on vacation that have tons of money, and people that appear to be drug addicts. It’s an interesting big city mashup but on a much smaller scale.

Y’all got some crack???

I checked out 2 different hiking trails during my time here. I got to visit Van Sickle Bi-State Park. I know what you’re thinking… A bi-sexual state park? How progressive California and Nevada!! But alas, no. The Nevada/California State line runs straight through the middle of this property, hence the name. Hiking here yielded some amazing views of the lake, as well as the skiing slopes and chair lifts. Pretty fun to see. The trail head was legit downtown South Tahoe. It’s nice to have such easy access to the outdoors while being in town. I wish more places developed urban areas with nature in mind.

State line on the trail!
Bi-State Park views…

The other place I visited was Emerald Bay State Park, which overlooks the only Island in Lake Tahoe, named Fannette Island. Emerald Bay is a spot that Cas used to visit as a kid growing up in Sacramento, so I was definitely going to check this spot out before leaving Tahoe. Emerald Bay did not disappoint. Yes, there was shit loads of snow on the ground and avalanche warnings, but that didn’t keep the people away. This place had tons of folks, and I totally understand why. It’s beautiful!

Emerald Bay

Besides the beauty, it has a fun story. In 1862, a rich dude built a 2 story, 5 room resort on the tiny island, and hired a guy by the name of Captain Dick to take care of it. He eventually became a hermit, as he was mostly alone on this hunk of rock. He apparently would get bored and row a tiny ass boat to South Tahoe to get shit faced at bars, then row himself back. That’s like, no easy undertaking. In 1870, he got caught in a storm rowing back from the pub, and only lived because he tied himself to his capsized vessel. He eventually regained control, but had 2 frostbitten toes. Get this, he fucking cut them off himself with a pocket knife, and kept them in a jar to show anyone who would look at them. Unfortunately, a similar storm took his life in 1873. His body was never found.

Looks like a tiny castle on the highest hump of the island.

Being a gorgeous day, I found a hiking trail that isn’t too snowed in. It basically is a perimeter hike of the bay at 12 miles round trip. Perfect.

Every turn was prettier than the last.

I think it’s fair to say this area is beautiful, and it’s understandable why people flock here. Awesome snow activities in the winter, and fun lake-ish activities in the summer. Still not a place I’d like to live, but fun to see.

So, now I’m sitting at a Starbucks in Carson City. I fly out of Reno tomorrow AM to meet up with Cas in Dallas. Excited to see her, but more importantly we’re going to check on her mom who lives there. Will be back to my normal shenanigans next Monday. Headed to a hot spring in Sierraville. I hear it’s clothing optional? The only other nude in public experiences I’ve had are gay pride in Key West and shorebird surveys at Canaveral National Seashore….