Guadalupe Mountains National Park

That’s Snow rolling in at 8000 ft

So this day was interesting. I roll out of my RV park in Van Horn, TX and start my way north to Guadalupe Mountain National Park. Thank god I realize that the western most counties of Texas are in mountain time, or I would’ve been sitting at the visitor center for an hour looking like an idiot. Campsites are first come, first serve, and I don’t have a great alternative. Hence the wanting to be early. So I get there, and of course the place is freaking packed. No car camping areas, so I snag the only tent site left. More spring break bullshit.

Once I get paid up and legit to stay the night, I head off to the trail that leads up Guadalupe Mountain, the highest peak in Texas. As I’m going up, I see what looks to be fog rolling in. Nope, that’s snow… Ummm… I don’t want to be up a huge ass mountain when it’s snowing! So before making it to the top, I turn around and get back to the campground right as it starts coming down.

So cold… and wet…

So I wait that out, then head to a different area of the park to do some hiking. I’m over going straight up a mountain, and now it’ll be all slippery and shit. The area I go hiking has much less people, and more plant diversity, so I’m happy.

So when I get back after my 12ish miles, I start looking where I’m going to go for the next couple of days. Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands National Monument, and Lincoln National Forest. Now, this is where it took a crappy turn. Due to spring break, there is no camping open, no cave tours open, and no RV parks open in those areas. Just too many people flooding in. So, being chilled to the bone (I was not prepared for the lower 30s), and being frustrated with spring breakers, I look for flights to Pensacola. Apparently you can get to Pensacola from Albuquerque pretty cheap, even last minute.

We weren’t ready for snow 🙁

So I booked a flight. Monday to Monday. It’s that or find a cheap hotel in Albuquerque, which doesn’t sound like fun, or a good use of money. So screw it, going home for a week, then I’ll pick back up and get ready for my reservation at Phantom Ranch at the Grand Canyon.