Fairbanks sucks, the Taylor Highway, Chicken, AK and crossing the border

Chicken, AK of course has Chickenstock…

After our night in Healy, we head north to Fairbanks, AK. We’re excited to be in a city to get groceries, but not sure exactly where we are going to camp. We’ll figure that out later. In town, we grab some food, and decide to check out an old theme park that used to be called “Alaska land.” It’s now named Pioneer Park, and is a very sad place. Mostly abandoned and falling apart, this place is pretty creepy. We wander around for a few minutes, but ultimately decide to abandon the park (as it seems this town has) and walk to downtown Fairbanks. Maybe we’ll find something fun there! At least we can locate a bar or restaurant that will have the USA vs. France women’s world cup game. France, being at home, has the advantage. So I’m very keen to watch this game and root for the home team.

This was the coolest part of Pioneer Park

After a 2 mile walk along the Chena River, we arrive in downtown Fairbanks. This place is also pretty sad. Mostly industrial with only a few businesses open, everything is run down and dirty. There’s a large homeless population present. Where do they go in the winter??? All of the bars look to have some major alcoholic population. To our astonishment, we can’t find any establishments that are going to be open and have the soccer game on. Why does Alaska hate soccer so much?!

After our sad downtown tour, we walk back to the car, and decide to find some local breweries to kill time. The first one we visit is named Hoodoos Brewing, and is located in a super industrial section of town. The brewery itself is beautiful and modern, and is also packed with tourists and locals. Cas makes friends with a man sitting next to us, and finds a restaurant in town that will most likely show the soccer game. Score! Side note here, Alaska laws only allow you to have 2 beers at a brewery. They are very strict in this law, and keep tabs on how many each person orders.

After a beer at Hoodoos, we head to a second brewery named Black Spruce. This is in a different industrial section of town, and is not as pretty as Hoodoos. Doesn’t matter, we’re here and they have beer… So we’re staying. As soon as we order, we see a couple about our age that we spotted at the previous brewery. They see us as well, and join us at a table. We start chatting, and we learn that Andy and Kristal work in physical therapy (one is occupational therapy and one is speech therapy). They travel for work, and took a job together in Sitka, AK. They are just visiting Fairbanks, and agree with us that this town sucks hard. Glad it’s not just us! Side note, this place sucked, so not many pics.

After talking for an hour or so, we swap numbers and head off on our different ways. We decide to camp at the local Fairbanks Wal Mart, catch the game early, then get out of town. The Wal Mart encourages RVs and campers to stay in their lot, so don’t worry, it’s legal.

This was an awful night of camping. Trucks were incredibly loud, it was hot, and there was nowhere to pee. This is the complete antithesis of the previous camping spots I’ve taken Cas. She is not impressed with my most recent camping spot selection. After sleeping like shit, we head to a restaurant that we pray is playing the USA game.


Success! We get to the restaurant as soon as they open, and they have the game on the big screen and the noise on. There is even another fan watching!! What luck! After a solid win, we leave Fairbanks as fast as we can. Don’t ever go to Fairbanks unless you’re trying to buy lumber or sheet metal. Or if you’re homeless.

After leaving, we head east towards Canada. Our first stop was at the North Pole to visit Santa, then we’re planning on going through Tok, then going north to the Taylor HIghway, through Chicken, then across the Canadian border to Dawson City. We basically drive all day, so nothing too exciting to report. Cas is still loudly exclaiming she has seen zero bears…

Met Santa of course
Apparently when kids send letters to the North Pole, this is where they end up!

When we turn North from Tok to get onto the Taylor Highway, we embark on some very desolate roads. About half gravel, half pavement, this road is lonely but beautiful. We find an empty pullout with an amazing view, and set up for the night.

Beer and camera strap
I approve.

The next day, we continue on the road towards Canada, stopping in Chicken to get gas and potentially some pie. Chicken is hilariously small and has three shops in direct competition for the most chicken propaganda. We stop at all of them to see what they have to offer. The answer is not much… We get gas, cherry pie, cookies, and some Sriracha chocolate. It was delicious.

Had to try this. Pretty damn good!

Leaving Chicken, we head to the Canadian border. I clean up the truck, lock up the shotgun, and prep myself for the truck to get searched. Last time I came across the border it was pretty intense, so I’m expecting something similar. We get to the border, and it’s basically just an outpost on the top of a mountain. An officer is on foot approaching cars with a handheld scanner. He scans our passports, I show him my gun paperwork, and he waves us through! This guy clearly did not give a shit. Makes life easy for us! Onto the Yukon…

On to Canada!

The road after the border is know as “Top of the World.” It’s basically a road above the timberline on a narrow mountain ridge. Beautiful views surround us. Cas spots a herd of Caribou out of nowhere! More than 50 animals are present, munching away on the ridge above us. We find out later this herd is known as the “40 mile caribou herd.” They are apparently a common appearance along this stretch of road. I tell Cas that there is way more wildlife in Canada due to extremely strict hunting regs, and this herd is totally proving me right.

The 40 mile herd

By the end of the day, we’ll be arriving into Dawson City. We read that there is a free car ferry we have to take to get into town? Not too sure what that will look like…