Crater Lake, Bend and Terrebonne, OR

Crater Lake, with a shot of Wizard Island.

My parking lot campsite really wasn’t too awful. I got a little spooked when an 18 wheeler pulled up behind me for the night. At one point, I went to pee outside the truck (all the bathrooms were closed for the season), and slipped on some volcanic gravel. Caught myself with my knee. I really thought I was going to have some serious knee issues, but that never happened. What did happen is I apparently tweaked my back hard as shit when I fell. Waking up the next morning, I could barely move. Now, when I played soccer, I dealt with back pain on the regular. It was pretty manageable with stretching, ice and Ibuprofen. But this shit was intense… Don’t think I’m going to be able to do much hiking.

Leaving the parking lot, I head east to Crater Lake National Park. Most of the roads are closed due to snow, but the southern visitor center and a few miles of the rim road have been plowed for visitors. I get there right as they open, and catch a viewing of the park’s highly touted video. Made in-house, the ranger starting the flick claims it is one of the best videos in the park service. Fine. I’ll bite…

That was the worst 22 minutes of the entire trip. Slip and fall from the night before included. I would rather slip on volcanic rock 18 more times than watch that shit again. It would be fine for like, a 3rd grader, but that’s about it. Imagine a video with multiple people telling you how beautiful the lake is, how clear it is, and how important it is to protect over and over and over again. Like I get it.

I walk out, 22 minutes gone, and head to the vista points that are currently open.

More blue….
Love this sign.

Well, there’s really only 2 spots. Yes they are gorgeous, but I bet this place would be waaaaaay more awesome if some hiking trails were open. I hate being an American tourist, driving to a vista, taking a photo, then hopping back into my car and heading to the nearest Crackle Barrel to shove my face with chicken and dumplings. Of course I didn’t go to Crackle Barrel, but you see what I mean. I guess it’s a blessing there are no hiking trails open, because I can barely walk at this point without a steady stream of curse words coming out from under my breath. I need more Ibuprofen, or Aleve, or horse tranquilizers….

Danger Keep Back

I head out of Crater back the way I came, and head north to Bend. As I’m driving, I pass a Forestry sign that says “Crater Falls.” The car in front of me pulls onto the dirt road, and I decide to be spontaneous and follow suit. As we’re driving, the road goes up in altitude. This causes there to be some areas with snow covering the road. Cool! I can see how my truck does without having anybody behind me to judge my Florida tag in snow. I throw her into 4×4 and continue on. About 2 miles in, the car in front of me gets stuck in snow. It’s about knee deep, and even though he’s also 4×4, they just don’t get enough momentum to carry them through. I jump out, and ask if they’s like me to winch them out real quick. As they agree, I turn the switch on my Warn to free spool, only to find out that it’s stuck… Like, really stuck. My back is killing me, this stupid winch won’t budge, and I’m totally baffled on what to do. While waiting for me to get my shit together, they free themselves with some downed logs. Well I feel like a complete idiot, and now I’m totally worried about why this brand new piece of equipment has shat the bed. I decide to turn around and just continue heading north. I’ll deal with you later winch….

Forgot to mention that a wasp got into my living space. Still haven’t found her, although I still hear her buzzing around occasionally.

After leaving my dismal attempt at helping a stranger, I decide to look for some food, beer and a camp spot around Bend. I call Paula, and she recommends a spot named 10 Barrel. It was her and Eric’s first date! I’m sold. I punch it into my GPS and head off. On the way north, I pass a lot of cool places that look intriguing. But, I’m in a lot of pain that only alcohol can help, so I continue on.

Once in Bend, I’m struck by how much traffic there is. Haven’t been in a city this large in awhile. I find a park to change and get my bearings. The cool thing about this town is that there’s green space everywhere. There are rivers running through the entire town and people out and about everywhere. I instantly like the feel of this place. I eventually find my way to 10 Barrel, and find a parking spot. My back is so sore I’m walking like I have a cactus up my ass. I recognize it, and try everything in my power to not look like a cowboy that was just ass raped, but it’s no use. I waddle up to the bar and order a beer and the biggest plate of nachos I’ve ever seen.

While I’m indulging, I search nonstop for a place nearby to camp. Everything close is either still closed for the season, expensive as shit, or a very urban RV park. Other sites are pretty remote and not in my general direction of travel. I finally remember Eric mentioning a place where a bunch of mountain climbers go that has camping. I punch in Smith Rock State Park, and head out.

Getting to the campground, I realize two important things. They absolutely do not allow you to sleep in your vehicle, and there are showers. The first upsets me, as my back is a little bitch, and now I have to set up a damn tent. The second is awesome, because shortly I’m headed to Portland to meet up with an old friend and her wife, and I don’t want to smell like a the carcass of a dead sea turtle that has been baking in the sun for 3 days. That’s a smell you’ll never forget… So I set up my tent, and just lay down until it’s dark. I’m alone, in pain, struggling to find places to camp, and feeling pretty low overall. I think this is the first time I’ve regretted being on this trip. The only reason I didn’t pack up and drive back to Florida was Cas. She talked me down, gave me some tips for my back, and reminded me that everything is going to be ok. I do not deserve someone so amazing… She’s my rock.

Lying on the ground, really trying to not hate life.

I fall asleep early (thank god) and wake up around 4:30 am. Amazingly, the back is manageable today. I struggle to my feet, grab some more drugs, and go off to take a shower. This shower, plus some pain relief, has made me absurdly happy. On top of this, I have discovered a new website to find free camping spots. Shout out to! They are an awesome community, and I plan on helping out with site reviews from here on out. Total turn around in mood from yesterday. I’m ready to be on this trip again.

Before leaving Smith Rock, I decide to check out some of the views here. I saw a bit while laying down, but didn’t explore anything. This place is a mountain climber’s paradise! Tons of routes, and some amazing views.

Smith Rock State Park
More rocks…

After a quick hike, I head off to Mt. Hood, then to Portland. Hoping this positive upswing continues!