17 Days and Counting

Photo from Panama City, credit to Ashley Warren, titled “Help us Uncle Trump.”

Getting pretty close to my leave date, which has been solidified for March 6th! I feel like I’ve traveled quite a bit through my soccer career, but that mostly entails hotel lobbies, crappy chain restaurants and soccer stadiums with a maximum of 6 people watching. It’s women’s soccer. I didn’t even want to watch the games I was playing in… Of course this is excluding our women’s national team. I’ll spend every last dollar I have bar hopping to watch them on screen.

Anyway, the picture above represents the Florida panhandle as best as my 33 years of experience can describe it. You’ve got some trees, ample parking, and a love for the color red. That’s not so say that there aren’t amazing places in Florida…. All I’m saying is that if you took all of the panhandle, threw it in the blender, and slung the sand/pine sap slush against a canvas, you would most likely get the above picture.

As far as trip prep has gone, I finally got the solar system up and running. A 100 watt flexible panel is glued to the roof of the camper, which leads to a battery charge controller, then to a 12V battery, then to a 1000W inverter. I have had to learn a shit load through this process. On the plus side, I’ve only electrocuted myself once so far. I’m calling it a win. PS if you ever are installing an inverter, you will get shocked. Apparently that’s normal? Why didn’t anyone tell me??

On top of prepping the truck, I’m trying to see important people before I leave town for the next 9 months. Todd came over from Panama City to hang out, and to help Cas and I with house work. We also went to Mobile, AL for Mardi Gras, and to hang out with my little sis and her husband John. Diana is almost done with Physicians Assistant school in Mobile, and will be moving to England before I return from this trip. Kinda sad, but also excited to have a new place to explore when I get back.

This parade was pretty random. We caught cheetos, ramen noodles, takis, and a crap load of plastic vampire teeth. Above is an obligatory vampire photo with the Pharaoh.

On top of all this, I’ve been taking everyone’s recommendations that have been coming in from this site. Nancy has already tried to get me lost on the Rio Grande…. And Marianne is trying to get me frostbite on the Salmon River. Any other suggestions will be added to the map if they aren’t too far out of the general path. Also, the trek back into the states from Canada has no time limit, so I’m more willing to meander through Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, etc…

Shocks, struts, and new tires are getting put on the Tundra today. Hopefully I’ll have a finished truck picture for y’all later!!

My favorite!

One Reply to “17 Days and Counting”

  1. If you’re on I-84 heading West from Idaho toward Portland, Arlington was the town that Paula and I met. It’s known for the “A” mountain that seniors make the freshman update every year. Also it’s known for the shitload of windmills (yes that’s where we hiked including up and down the Gorge) and is also known for its meth problem lol. But if you look above the only gas station in town you can see the house that we lived in, the locals know it as “the big house on the hill!”
    Don’t go out of your way to see it, but I will say this whichever direction you decide to take from Montana (if you’re heading West) you can’t go wrong. The Gorge is absolutely amazing with several Mountain View’s along the way with Golden Eagle and Bald Eagles sightings along the highway. We always loved Hood River and the Full Sail Brewery ( seriously Paula wanted to go there every time for their veggie burger). Double Mointain brewery has great beer and more of a smaller type atmosphere. The fruit loop is just south of Hood River and is known for the pear trees and extensive Wineries with amazing views of Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams (seriously take your pic… double entendre 😉) Ahhh look at me, gettin nastolgic…. What ever you decide I’m sure you won’t go wrong and you’ll have s blast, we love you.
    The Grendels

    P.S. Bend, OR and Crater Lake are not too shabby either…

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